Publication details

Infrastructure for Dynamic Knowledge Integration -- Automated Biomedical Ontology Extension Using Textual Resources



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Biomedical Informatics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web ScienceDirect
Field Informatics
Keywords dynamic ontology integration; ontology evolution; ontology alignment and negotiation; ontology learning; biomedical ontologies; knowledge acquisition; lifecycle
Description We present a novel ontology integration technique that explicitly takes the dynam- ics and data-intensiveness of e-health and biomedicine application domains into ac- count. Changing and growing knowledge, possibly contained in unstructured natural language resources, is handled by application of cutting-edge Semantic Web tech- nologies. In particular, semi-automatic integration of ontology learning results into a manually developed ontology is employed. This integration bases on automatic negotiation of agreed alignments, inconsistency resolution and natural language generation methods. Their novel combination alleviates the end-user effort in the incorporation of new knowledge to large extent. This allows for efficient application in many practical use cases, as we show in the paper.
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