Publication details

A Graphical Frontend to Key Services for Utilization of Grid Environments: A CharonGUI Use Case


PLŠEK Vítězslav KMUNÍČEK Jan KUBA Martin

Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 4th International Workshop on Grid Computing for Complex Problems (GCCP 2008)
MU Faculty or unit

Institute of Computer Science

Field Informatics
Keywords Charon; grid; jobs
Description The Charon Extension Layer (CEL) is a unique generic sys tem for computational jobs and applications management within grid environments. It provides a sophisticated command-line interface that encapsulates all operations required to control a computational job lifetime - it allows users to submit their jobs, check jobs’ statuses and get results using only three basic commands. In this paper we present CharonGUI - a graphical user interface built over the original CEL. CharonGUI adopts all advantages of the CEL with their benefits and turns them into a graphical representation. Moreover, CharonGUI simultaneously brings a set of new interesting features that offers additional comfort for the grid end users. CharonGUI is expected to complement the command-line version of CEL allowing users to have both approaches available in parallel.

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