Publication details

Řešení infekce cévní protézy v aorto-iliako-femorální pozici autologní femorální žilou

Title in English Treatment of prosthetic graft infection in aorto-iliac-femoral position using autologous femoral vein graft


Year of publication 2008
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description In June 2007, an autologous lower extremity deep vein was used for arterial reconstruction for the first time in the Czech Republic. For this procedure, the superficial femoral vein was harvested in its full length, including part of the popliteal vein. Due to previous explantation of an infected prosthesis, the patient had critical ischemia and progressive gangrene of the lower extremity. His condition required an iliac-femoral artery reconstruction. Because of the high risk of recurrent infection, none of the conventional approaches involving a vascular prosthesis could be used (extra-anatomic bypass surgery). The implantation of a lower extremity deep vein appears to be very efficient in the treatment of prosthetic graft infection, which is one of the most serious and feared complications in vascular surgery. Authors present a group of 8 patients with prosthetic graft infection or with high risk of graft infection in whom lower extremity deep vein was used in aorto-iliac-femoral position. No complication (recurrent infection, graft occlusion, lower limb amputation, lower limb edema after vein harvest) in follow-up (median 6.3 months, range 2-15 months)

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