Publication details

A survey into basic school pupils´ lifestyle



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Central European Journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Alcohol; questionnaire; physical activity; school; tobacco; nutrition; addictions; pupils; lifestyle
Description The article studies key areas of lifestyle by basic school pupils of adolescent age. The study questioned 204 basic and grammar schools pupils through an anonymous questionnaire consisting of 15 questions with close-ended answers. Out of the sample of respondents 89 were students of schools with expanded physical education curricula and 115 were studens of schools with regular curricula. The aim of the study was to discover whether an appropriately applied physical activity helps to an appropriate nutritional and physical behaviour and whether it minimalises the addictional behaviour occurence by the pupils. Pupils of schools with expanded curricula showed better nutritional and physical behaviours and less smoking or drinking alcohol. From a total amount of 15 questions a statistically significant difference ocurred at 8 questions. When nutrition being investigated the differences ocurred by 2 out of 5 questions, in case of physical acitvities it was 4 out of 5 questions and by pathological addictions it showed by 2 out 5 questions.
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