Publication details

Razvitije russkogo jazyka v XVIII veke na fone reform Petra Pervogo.

Title in English The development of Russian Language in 18th centuries in the light of the reforms of Peter I


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Die russische Sprache und Literatur im 18. Jahrhundert:Tradition und Innovation. Gedenkenschrift für Gerta Hüttl-Folter
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords development of Russian the rule of Peter I lingustic situation prescriptive grammar modern literary Russian enlargement of vocabulary history of standard Russian
Description Toward the end of the 17th and early 18th centuries, under the rule of Peter I, the character of the Russian state began to change radicaly. In a revolutionary fashion, the changes first and foremost affected Russias sociaol economic life. The countrys lingistic situation also reflected these social changes. At the end of that 18th century, the Russian language incurred important changes: the grammatical norms of the language were establishhed and the languages vocabulary began to be enlarged.

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