Publication details

Čítanie ako metafora interpretácie skutočnosti

Title in English The Lecture as a Metaphor of Reality Interpretation


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kniha ve 21. století: "Společnost a četba"
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Lecture; metaphor; interpretation of reality; galileo-newtonian paradigm; evolutionary gnoseology; evolutionary ontology
Description The author of the article points out one of the possible understandings of reading as a metaphor - not just philosophical - of reality interpretation. He pays attention to the consequences of the galileo-newtonian paradigm that interprets nature as a book written in the language of mathematics. From the viewpoint of evolutionary gnoseology he refers to three categories of reading (genetic, epigenetic and conceptual). Considering evolutionary ontology standpoint he interprets reading as a motion from the passive towards the active sociocultural genome.

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