Publication details

Morfologo-sintaksičeskije i semantičeskije sredstva vyraženija kategorii roda v imeni suščestvitelnom

Title in English The morphologo-syntactical and semantic means of the category gender in nouns


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dialodg kultur V /elektronický zdroj/: mezinárodní vědecká slavistická konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords The category of gender -- biological differentiation - the nouns of masculine gender - the nouns of feminine gender - animate nouns - inanimate nouns - grammatical gender
Description In the Russian Language the nouns have the category of gender. The live beings are called in conformity with natural biological differentiation by means of the nouns of mmasculine or feminine gender. The inanimate nouns express the category gender only by the assistence of morphological and syntactical means. The appurtenant to grammatical gender of the some inanimate nouns call for a special commentary.

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