Publication details

Allergic and Asthmatic Children in 21st Century School



Year of publication 2008
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ŘEHULKA, E. et al. (Ed.). School and Health 21: General Issues in Health Education.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Paediatry
Keywords teachers; primary school environment; allergic children; asthmatic children; health problems
Description The paper presents results obtained through research conducted in the environment of selected primary schools. The research focused on whether, and to what an extent, teachers are aware of the fact that they may have allergic or asthmatic children in their classrooms, and what types of allergies are involved. It was further examined what the teachers knew of such immunity disorders, and whether they would be able to give fi rst aid to a pupil in case of a fit. Moreover, it was established that in most cases, the school environment is adapted so as not to cause health issues in students unnecessarily. The research shows that teacher awareness needs to be improved. The teachers themselves would apparently like to know more about these issues.
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