Publication details

Víceslovné názvy rostlin a živočichů a jim konkurující univerbizáty (na materiále českého národního korpusu)

Title in English Compound Terms: Names of the Plants and Animals Synonymic with Univerbizates in the Texts of Czech National Corpus


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference ŠINK, R. (ed.) Čeština - jazyk slovanský 3
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords univerbization - univerbizates - compound terms - names of plants - names of animals - frequency - Czech national corpus
Description Univerbization is a process of word-formation by which the words of a compound lexeme or of a syntactic construction fuse into a single word/one-word lexeme: that one-word lexeme is called univerbizate (in Czech univerbizát, a result of the process of univerbization), for example dvouletka means: a) dvouletá rostlina or pupalka dvouletá (evening primrose). There was rare distribution of univerbisates/names of plants or animals in the texts that have been examined up to now. Seeing into a lot of text of the language corpus SYN2000, SYN2005 and SYN2006 we have found some other one-word names/synonyms of compound terms that designate plants and animals. Some of the univerbizates are more frequent than synonymous compound terms and they can be found in the journalistic or some of them in scientific texts.

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