Publication details

Pomluvy jako mikropolitická strategie učitelů základní školy

Title in English Gossip as Basic School Teachers Micro-Political Strategy


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Web Fulltext
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords gossip; rumours; expert teachers; school micro-politics; strategies
Description This text deals with gossip in basic schools. Once clarified various forms of gossip and rumours, the author describes the outcome of an empirical research with expert teachers. The results are based on a research of experienced teachers, using the qualitative approach and the narrative and biographical designs. The study primarily comments on how gossip can influence the expert teacher's work and his/her identity and position within the school. As such, school gossip is not considered as a random phenomenon but rather a micro-political strategy used by teachers to gain influence and protection.

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