Publication details

Mor revoluce. Obava z šíření revolučních myšlenek na Moravě 1791-1805

Title in English Poison of revolution. Apprehension of dissemination of revolutionary ideas in Moravia between 1791 and 1805


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Historik na Moravě. Profesoru Jiřímu Malířovi, předsedovi Matice moravské a vedoucímu Historického ústavu FF MU, věnují jeho kolegové, přátelé a žáci k šedesátinám
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords reception of the French revolution in Moravia
Description Government's apprehension of the infiltration of the revolutionary ideas in Austria affected the everyday life from 1792. This report discusses this period rich in events as seen from three points of view: The censorship, passport policy, and acceptance of the French revolution ideas in Moravia on the basis of a trial with three Jacobin priests in 1803.
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