Publication details

Regression of histopathological myopathic changes in patients with critical illness neuromuscular disorders



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Scripta Medica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Neurology, neurosurgery, neurosciences
Keywords critical illness polyneuropathy; critical illness myopathy; diagnosis; biopsy; follow-up study
Description Histopathological analysis of 52 muscle biopsies from 43 adult critically ill patients was performed to determine the differential diagnosis and course of neuromuscular involvement in critically ill patients suffering from critical illness polyneuropathy or myopathy. The first histopathological examination in all 43 patients revealed signs of neuropathy in 2 biopsies, myopathy in 19 biopsies, and neuromyopathy in 18, including type 2 fibre atrophy. A repeat study of 9 patients showed that the histopathological features changed in all cases. A second biopsy performed several months or years after the first revealed that myopathic features had regressed and either recovery to normal histopathological findings had occurred or evidence of a persistent neurogenic lesion was found. The results indicate that muscle involvement in critically ill patients is reversible.
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