Publication details

Introduction of DNA microarray in molecular diagnostics of Wilson disease

Title in English Zavedení DNA čipu do molekulární diagnostiky Wilsonovy choroby


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Časopis lékařů českých
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Genetics and molecular biology
Keywords Wilson disease; ATP7B gene; DNA microarray; molecular diagnostics
Description Wilson disease (WD) is a serious autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in ATP7Bgene which encodes a copper-specific ATPase. WD patients suffer from impaired biliary excretion of copper from organism and it is accumulation in body organs. Molecular diagnostics of WD is an important part of correct diagnosis statement. The aim of the study was to design and validate a genotyping DNA microarray which enables to analyze 87 mutations and 17 polymorphisms in ATP7B gene, simultaneously. 97 WD patients with known genotypes and 46 samples prepared by mutagenesis were tested in the first phase of chip validation. All analyzed sequence variants were detected with 100% accuracy. Samples from WD suspected patients were tested in the second phase of validation. We have analyzed 58 unrelated patients, yet. The diagnosis of WD was confirmed in 10 patients, 13 patients were heterozygous for some mutation and 35 had no mutation in ATP7B gene. Samples with one or no mutation found by microarray analysis were sequenced directly and no further causal mutation was revealed. Wilson chip seems to be a fast and reliable method for screening of mutations in ATP7B gene.
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