Publication details

Tourism in the Czech Republic: in form of presentation of Atlas of tourism of the Czech Republic



Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Wilk, W. (ed.): Global Changes: Their Regional and Local Aspects
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Tourism; General Knowledge; Atlas of Tourism of the Czech Republic
Description In recent 15 years the meaning of tourism as social and economical phenomenon has been rising in the Czech Republic. The open-market economy offers Czech tourism a range of opportunities for further development and as well as obligations (e.g. accommodation capacities, quality of services and establishments) to both domestic and foreign visitors. The contribution covers the current state of tourism in the Czech Republic. Moreover, it focuses on geographical prerequisites, natural and cultural attractiveness and tourism potential. It assesses economical importance of tourism, domestic and foreign admissions. Finally, the paper involves the spatial distribution of basic and associated tourist infrastructure (accommodation establishments, second housing and sport-recreational infrastructure) and the main forms of tourism in the Czech Republic (urban tourism, water side recreation, whole-season mountain tourism, spa tourism, congress tourism, wine tourism, etc.).
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