Publication details

Jsou exekutor a jeho zaměstnanci úředními osobami ve smyslu § 127 nového trestního zákoníku?

Title in English Are the executor and his employees official persons in the sense of § 127 of new penal code?


Year of publication 2009
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník Dny práva 2009 - MU Brno
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords executor; distrainor; servants of executor; court executor;executory articled clerk;executory candidate; public person; executory proceeding; support and protection of public persons; competency;state authority
Description In the article is solved the question, if the executor and his servants ans employees are the public persons in the sense anactment 127 of new penal code. Executor is the public person, in the case his servants it is not clear position. We presume, regulation of the anactment 127 must be modified. Additional servants of the executor must be public persons too, with high protection and competency, when they legal carry decision in executory proceeding.

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