Publication details

Víra ve spravedlivý svět, psychosociální zátěž a depresivita v adolescenci: mediační model

Title in English Belief in a Just World, Psychosocial Stress and Depressivity in Adolescence: A Mediation Model


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source E-psychologie [online]
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords belief in a just world; depressivity; psychosocial stress; mediational model
Description The paper focuses on mutual relations of the belief in a just world and various life satisfaction aspects. More specifically, the function of the belief in a just world in relation between depressivity and experienced psychosocial stress is explored. Structural model assuming mediational effect of personal and general belief in a just world on relation between depressivity and psychosocial stress was successfully verified. Study sample consisted of 266 15-years-old Czech adolescents (136 girls, 130 boys), participating on international project "ELSPAC" (European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood). Results show partial mediation effect of personal belief in justice and only a marginal mediation effect of general belief in justice.
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