Publication details

Tigecyklin v terapii ventilátorové pneumonie u pacienta s inhalačním traumatem

Title in English Tigecycline in the treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia in a patient with inhalation trauma


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Kazuistiky v alergologii, pneumologii a ORL
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Pneumology
Keywords inhalation trauma ventilator associated pneumonia tigecycline
Description Inhalation trauma represents a significant factor in the prediction of infectious complications in lower airways. Infectious complications predominantly contribute to the morbidity and mortality of severely burned patients. Multiresistant tribes of both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria begin to grow in importance in patients with thermal trauma in new millenium. Tigecycline is a new semisyntetic antibiotic agent from a family of glycylcyclines. In the Czech Republic, the product has been so far approved particularly for complicated skin infection and infections of soft tissue along with complicated intraabdominal infections. Increasing number of papers declaring the efficacy of tigecyclines in the treatment of pneumonias and other infections may lead to an extension of primary indications of this product.

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