Publication details

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Title in English Time in Learning Foreign Languages


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia paedagogica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords teaching English as a foreign language; early foreign language instruction; primary school
Description Time is often seen as an important factor in teaching English as a foreign language. In lay discussions the starting age is too often pinpointed as the decisive factor. Some classic experiments show that there might be a time window after the closure of which it is well-nigh impossible to acquire a language. Some other arguments include the fact that adults cannot dedicate much time to learning a language and therefore the free time that some children have too much of might be used. These arguments implicitly build on an assumption that the more time one spends learning a language, the better user of the language one is. However, empirical research shows that the issues behind language learning are more complex than that and that it is essential to take into account many other factors like the nature of the processes of learning and acquisition, the environment in which learning takes place, and the motivation.
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