Publication details

Krajiny zamrzlé v čase II. Jižní Ural - současná analogie střední Evropy ve starém a středním holocénu

Title in English Landscapes Frozen in Time II. Southern Urals - Modern Analogy of Central Europe in the Early and Mid-Holocene


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Živa
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords Palaeoecology; plants; snails; Urals
Description In the first part of this article we discussed advantages of the study of modern analogues for palaeoreconstructions and showed that landscapes of Southern Siberian mountain ranges are probably the best known analogues of full-glacial Central Europe. Our research of modern land snail fauna and vegetation in the Southern Ural Mountains suggested that these ecosystems are very good analogues of those reconstructed from the Early to Mid-Holocene in Central Europe. Spreading of broad-leaved trees, namely maple, lime and elm, probably significantly reduced diversity of forest herb layer due to higher tree cover. In contrast, this change caused an increase of land snail diversity due to favourable leaf litter of these trees and wetter conditions in the forest ground layer.
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