Publication details

Theoretical Framework for the Teachers Activities Aimed at Strengthening Formation of Healthy Social Relationships among Pupils


STŘELEC Stanislav

Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference School and health 21. Papers on Health Education
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords health literacy; social health; specific dimensions; school; teacher; educational means; formation; development
Description Social health is a significant part of the pupils health and the school is an important institution intervening into the process of its development. The term social health has been interpreted in special literature on different levels and in various contexts. The study aims at defining more stable theoretical framework for the application of educational means in the formation and development of healthy social relations in the school classroom. The study is a part of the MSM0021622421 Masaryk University Faculty of Education Brno research project The School and Health for the 21 century.
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