Publication details

L Europe centrale a travers le roman noir et policier francais

Title in English The Central Europe through the French thriller and detective


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Europe centrale, carrefour des cultures dans la tradition littéraire
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords The Central Europe; The Frenche detective Novel
Description The inspiration of a writer s own admission of many authors, feeds mostly on his own experiences.This finding should not lead us to the mystery writers of criminals, but may help us understand why the French detective novel or black does not travel easily. Concentrates mainly on the social critique, contemporary authors draw their inspiration from their own history, that of former colonies, from May 68, the bankruptcy of leftist ideals of the far right ....Locked behind the Iron Curtain for half a century, the countries of Central Europe have long remained terra incognita for most writers of the genre. The fall of the Berlin Wall led to a few brief meetings, no action. In this contribution, I propose to introduce isolated attempts that I have detected in libraries or in specialized bookshops.

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