Publication details

Osvícenská církevní politika a její vliv na svobodu pohybu duchovenstva

Title in English Enlightenment clerical policy and its influence to the movement freedom of clergy


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Historie - Otázky - Problémy. Sv. 1: Od barokní piety k interiorizaci víry? Problémy katolického osvícenství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Bohemian countries; enlightenment; History of travelling; Everyday history; Enlightenment clerical policy
Description This report addresses the movement freedom of clergy within the context of the enlightenment clerical policy. In the course of Josef II's reign religious processions heading out of the country, as well as pilgrimages requiring overnight stays, were prohibited. Still more the government interest was achieved to reduce the number of the clergy members in the country. This was brought into effect not only by the liquidation of convents and friaries that were not socially active, but also through the immigration policy in respect of foreign clergy. In Austria foreign clericals could stay only for a limited period of time. After the French Revolution of 1789 French priests were even less welcome in Austria as they could be intentional, as well as unintentional, carriers of revolutionary ideas that they could very well disseminate, acting as clericals or private tutors. This report analyses cases of French immigrants, ranking among the clergy, in the 90s of the 18th century in Moravia.
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