Publication details

Nostra terra tua est camera. České země v počátcích středovýchodní Evropy

Title in English Nostra terra tua est camera. The Czech Lands at the Historical Beginnings of East-Central Europe


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description On the basis of an analysis of the relevant sources, the article proves that the legal and political status of the Czech lands and their place on the map of East-Central Europe were defined in the early Middle Ages and that the beginnings of the Czech statehood date back to 806, when Bohemian dukes accepted their tributary dependence on the Frankish Empire. The initial free burden in the form of an annual tribute was gradually transformed into political dependence on Bavaria. Moreover, the oath of 929 established a tie to the kings of Saxony. The Carolingian tax required closer cooperation among the Bohemian magnates, which led to the rise of the Premyslids to supreme power in Bohemia before the end of the 9th century. The real situation was properly expressed by Cosmas, dean of St Vitus, who wrote in his chronicle in the early 12th century that ducal Bohemia had always been the imperial treasury.
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