Publication details

Didaktický potenciál překladu ve výuce angličtiny

Title in English Pedagogical Potential of Translation in Teaching English

NĚMEC Martin

Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The chapter deals with the phenomenon of the translation in ESL teaching. It briefly outlines diachronic position of the translation in the course of historical educational methods and summarises the crucial features of the translation that are used even now, in the modern teaching methods. The work also defines the basic terminology and strictly differentiate between the usage of the mother tongue (L1) and controlled translating activities in the classroom. The research consists of qualitative part that is based on the analysis of the teacher's belief. The results were used for questionnaire designs (quantitative research). The quantitative research focuses on two groups - students, future English teachers and teachers experts. The data gained is compared and analysed by chi square distribution methods.

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