Publication details

Right-Wing Extremist Violence in the Russian Federation

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LARYŠ Martin MAREŠ Miroslav

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Europe-Asia Studies
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Right-Wing Extremism; Political Violence; Russia
Description In this article we aim to classify and analyse the main forms of right-wing extremist violnce in contemporary Russia and to evaluate its impact on security development. Right-wing extremist violence in Russia is not a homogeneous phenomenon. Some of it is committed by unorganised individuals, some forms a part of short-term local mass ethnic conflicts, yet another part of it is perpetrated by violent youth gangs and finally some of it is linked with party politics and uniformed paramilitary structures. The threat of extreme right violence will remain an important element of the Russias future security development.
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