Publication details

Relation between temperament dimension Harm Avoidance and character strengths Curiosity and Courage



Year of publication 2011
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The aim of the study was to analyze the correlation rate between subjective level of depressiveness and character strength Curiosity and virtue Courage (first and foremost character strengths Bravery and Persistence) and ascertain if those constructs covariate together. The research has been carried out on a sample of 97 respondents tested in TCI-r (Temperament and Character Inventory), CEI-II (Curiosity and Exploration Inventory) and in Grit Scale. The results show the significant relation between Harm Avoidance and Curiosity (r = - 0,63). No significant relation between the scores in Harm Avoidance and Grit Scale was found. Further detailed data analysis suggests interesting directions of next research and application in clinical practice.

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