Publication details

Finanční trhy

Title in English Financial Markets

REJNUŠ Oldřich

Year of publication 2011
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The book is designed as a comprehensive, systematically outlined publication, including basic range of issues concerning function of financial markets. Introduction into theory of financial markets and systemization of individual financial institutions and products are followed by interest as the most important economic category of financial market. Thereafter, the author deals with theory of financial investments, out of which arise individual factors, influencing investors' behaviours. This is followed by systemic definition of basic sorts of financial investment instruments, that are subsequently sorted out in accordance with the most important characteristics into four basic groups: “classical” investment instruments, term derivative contracts, collective investment securities and “structured products”. Each of these groups of investment tools is dealt with in following chapters individually; particular types of investment instruments, belonging into above mentioned groups, are systematically segmented and characterized. At the same time, the author focused on the most important methods of analysis and ways of trade. In the end, contemporary developmental trends of world financial system are mentioned; it leads gradually to worldwide globalization, where both the most important partial development trends and positive and negative aspects of this development are characterized. The book is dedicated to experts in all sorts of financial institutions as well as to teachers and students of Universities of Economics. It is beneficial even to those, who have deep knowledge of some partial fields of financial theory and who wish to use it in practice. And last but not least, it is dedicated to all those who have not pursued issues of financial markets yet, but who are, however, interested in it and who are willing to acquire knowledge, necessary in contemporary world for everyday life of both individuals and society.

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