Publication details

Význam a náplň Multikulturní výchovy jako výzva pro budoucí učitele

Title in English Purpose and Content of Multicultural Education as a Challenge for Future Teachers


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Příprava budoucích učitelů na rozvíjení klíčových kompetencí žáků na jednotlivých úrovních vzdělávání: kooperace, participace, konsekvence.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Multiculturalism, multicultural education, tolerance, empathy, xenophobia, development of pupil‘s skills, democratic approach, cross-curricular topic, The Framework Education Programmes, future teacher
Description Multicultural Education is a relatively new phenomenon in the Czech Republic education that has been improving since about 1890. It is considered to be the main success that Multicultural Education has been integrated into The Framework Education Programmes as a cross-curricular topic necessary for the whole context of basic education. The topic is followed by problems with understanding of its purpose, realization in schools or discussions on the legitimacy of the term.
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