Publication details

Reprezentace obsahu: psychologická východiska a didaktické souvislosti

Title in English Representations of content: psychological foundations and didactical background


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace: odborný čtvrtletník a zpravodaj české pedagogické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords learning from representations didactic transformations educational content
Description The theoretical study concerns the issue of representations. Representation is a concept used when analysing and explaining human perception, cognition, communication and learning. Firstly, we introduce the psychological foundations of the concept. Secondly, we clarify the concept of representations and its division in cognitive psychology. We define two basic forms of external representations - verbal and visual. In social psychology, the concept is used for explaining of how much individual cognition is determined by socio-cultural factors. Further, we mention the concept of representations that draws on the Theory of social representations (Moscovici) and Vygotskis ideas. The author seeks to develop a concept of representations usable in didactic discourse. The importance of representations for content-oriented didactics is clarified. We also define the levels on which a teacher reasons when using representations during instruction. Representations of curricular content, which are believed to play an important role when presenting the content to students, are also mentioned.
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