Publication details

Linguistic Interaction and Participation in Media Discourses (seminar S47 at ESSE 2012)



Year of publication 2012
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Various media forms and genres offer new modes of communication, necessitating modifications in the participation framework underlying interactions. The classic dyadic (speaker-writer) model of communication appears to be obsolescent in reference to the diversified communicative genres, whether private or public, facilitated by the media and technology. The workshop addresses the following topics: (1) participation framework and participation in traditional media discourses (e.g. televised/film/radio discourse) and other public discourses, whether or not mediatised, and (2) the nature of interaction and conversation in novel discourses related to computer-mediated communication (e.g. social media such as Facebook and Twitter, instant messaging and chat, blogs, or new forms of online journalism). More specifically, the following issues are addresssed: fictional, scripted and natural conversation; the status of TV viewers; linguistic traces of (un)ratifies participants beyond the dyad; and (mis)comprehension of meaning within/beyond the dyad. The seminar combines various analytic perspectives, including pragmatics of interaction, conversation and discourse analysis, interactional sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, and multimodality.

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