Publication details

Základy perimetrie a interpretace výsledků

Title in English Basic elements of perimetry and examination results interpretation


Year of publication 2012
Type Workshop
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description We will go through visual field examination. We will mention mechanisms of the static and kinetic (dynamic) perimetry. We will define basic differences between these types of examination. The simplest test for visual field examination is confrontation method. Confrontation method is very rapid method, but is not exact. Dynamic method is more sophisticated. The most known is Goldmann kinetic perimetry. With this method we can manually examine whole visual field with different light power and color of stimulus. The most exact current method of visual field examination is static perimetry. Usually it is provided and managed by computer software. This software is able to examination errors (false positive and false negative, fixation errors), which can appear during the examination and results are compared with data from database. So we can express depth of measured scotomas (relative, absolute) on certain statistical level of significance. There are many types of static perimeters currently available on the market, which try to improve the basic method (i.e. FDT perimetry, SWAP, microperimetry).

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