Employees and students Total number  Women 
Total number of employees: 6950 3776
Pedagogical staff: 2885 1196
Professors: 330 55
Associate professors: 577 166
Assistant professors: 1369 651
Assistants: 277 153
Lecturers: 257 146
Specialists and technical staff: 2786 1545
Other staff: 1352 1061
Total number of external people: 2815 1545
Total number of teachers: 5306 2458
employees: 3643 1601
students: 438 240
external: 1888 957
Total number of students: 36162 22289
bachelor's degree programmes: 17786 10796
thereout in combined form: 1891 1278
long-cycle master's degree programmes: 7504 4849
thereout in combined form: 226 213
master's degree programmes: 8494 5399
thereout in combined form: 1737 1286
doctoral degree programmes: 2378 1245
thereout in combined form: 377 192

as of 19 Sep 2024

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