doc. Mgr. Jana Kratochvílová, Ph.D.
Department head, Department of Education
correspondence Address:
Poříčí 623/7, 603 00 Brno
office: bldg. D/3015
Poříčí 538/31
603 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5216 |
e‑mail: |
Field of study: School pedagogy
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Self-assessment skills of primary school pupils and their impact on intrinsic motivation and self-regulation of learning – ongoing study
- Needs Analysis of Novice Teachers’ Communication Skills to Manage Learners Behavior: Building Learners’ Responsibility through Teachers' Effective Communication Skills. – ongoing study
- Vliv skrytého přechodu žáků základní školy z prvního stupně na druhý a jeho vliv na kvalitu života žáků – ongoing study
- The concept of triads - a form of sharing pupils' results between the key actors of the educational process (pupils, parents and teachers) within basic education – ongoing study
- Self-experience as part of professional teacher training: Development of the curriculum for the Self-experiential Preparation for the Profession I and II seminars – graduate 2024