Project information
Autonomy in foreign language learning and teaching

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2005 - 12/2007
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
autonomous learning, language learning strategies, language teaching, research

More and more attention is paid to teaching process mainly under the influence of cognitive psychology. Also teaching in foreign languages reflects on changes related to transformation of teaching culture characterized in greater learning individual´s responsibility, independence and individualization in construct of knowledge. The project Autonomy in foreign language learning and teaching aims at analysis of requirements for successful realization of autonomous learning principles in foreign languages lessons, survey of actual state of these principles application in foreign languages lessons as well as comparison of conceptions and information resources. There will be used qualitative as well as quantitative methods during the project solving and there is planned a conference, publication of collection, theoretic studies and methodical guide for teachers.


The subject matter of the project is a topical issue in the FL methodology which is the concept of autonomous learning in the process of FL teaching and learning. In compliance with the goals set, the results of the solution deliver a deeper, more complex and diversified insight into the issue of implementing the principles of autonomous learning in FLT. The methods of qualitative research, such as critical analysis of resources, content analysis and confrontation of foreign resourcers, have resulted in creating a synthesis of theoretical bases and a survey of the present state of research in the area on international level. Using the quantitative research, new findings have been gained that verify the theoretical base, impirically prove the level of their implementation in the teaching process, and convey new impulses for further research as well as teaching itself. Concerning the fact that the issue of learning strategies in the acquisition of foreigh languages belong to the key concepts of autonomous learning, attention has been pai mostly to this particular issue.


Total number of publications: 67

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