Project information
Cartographic visualization and modeling of contemporary trends in health status and healthcare in the Czech Republic

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2007 - 12/2009
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Science
cartographic visualization and modelling, health status, healthcare
Cooperating Organization
University Hospital Brno-Bohunice

The proposed multidisciplinary project focuses on comparison of healthcare and health status and spatial distribution of both phenomenons. Internet exploratory cartographic environment will be used for data analysis and presentation. Aforementioned environment will be a modification of existing open internet atlas core and will enable dynamic data representation, rescaling, interactive tools for users, active statistic and cortometric tools, and animation techniques exploitation. Model input health data represent multidimensional time series from the statistical point of view. Statistical trends, inner dynamics, and correlation structure will be examined in order to create the health status and healthcare demands prediction maps.


Total number of publications: 40

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