Project information
Researching Communication in English: Paradigms, Strategies, Developments - II
(ReComE 2020)
- Project Identification
- MUNI/A/1204/2019
- Project Period
- 1/2020 - 12/2020
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
- Grant Agency of Masaryk University
- Category A
- MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
- prof. Mgr. Jan Chovanec, Ph.D.
- Ing. Stephen Atalebe, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Mária Baranová
- Velid Beganović, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Dominika Beneš Kováčová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Veronika Bosáková
- Mgr. Veronika Bránišová
- Mgr. Jan Čapek, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Sarah Dobiášová
- Mgr. Dominika Dovčíková
- Mgr. et Mgr. Jan Eichler
- Mgr. Petra Fišerová, Ph.D.
- prof. Mgr. Milada Franková, CSc., M.A.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Adéla Hájková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Katarína Havran, Ph.D.
- Talal Hawshar, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Joel Cameron Head, BA
- Mgr. Martina Horáková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Anna Hrdinová
- doc. PhDr. Jana Chamonikolasová, Ph.D.
- prof. Mgr. Jan Chovanec, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Eva Juhasová
- doc. Mgr. Tomáš Kačer, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Renata Kamenická, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Barbora Kašpárková, Ph.D.
- doc. Michael Matthew Kaylor, PhD.
- Mgr. Magdaléna Knotková
- Mgr. Barbora Kotucz
- Mgr. Alexandra Koudelová Stachurová, Ph.D.
- PhDr. Filip Krajník, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Denisa Krásná, BA (Hons), Ph.D.
- doc. PhDr. Naděžda Kudrnáčová, CSc.
- Jonathan Elisha Lemelman, MSc, BA
- Mgr. Jiří Lukl, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Petra Machová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Hana Mihai
- Mgr. Michal Mikeš
- Abigail Mokra, M.A. et M.A.
- Tagrid Morad, M.A., B.A., Ph.D.
- Mgr. Zdeňka Neumanová
- Mgr. Jana Pelclová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Ivana Plevíková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Alice Rubášová
- Mgr. Soňa Rypáková
- Mgr. Eva Sedláková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Marcela Sekanina Vavřinová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Michaela Slezák Polónyová, Ph.D.
- doc. Jeffrey Alan Smith, M.A., Ph.D.
- Mgr. Vladimir Srebnitskiy
- Mgr. Alžběta Stančáková
- Mgr. Bc. Magda Sučková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Maria Šimková, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Daniela Šmardová
- Mgr. Tereza Šmilauerová
- Mgr. Bc. David Špetla
- Mgr. Tereza Šplíchalová
- Krittaya Unger, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. Tomáš Varga
- Mgr. Stefan Veleski, B.A., Ph.D.
- Mgr. Iveta Volfová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Ivona Vrzalová
- Mgr. Bc. Tereza Walsbergerová, Ph.D.
- Mgr. Helena Worthington, Ph.D.
- Mgr. et Mgr. David Zelený
- Mgr. Bc. Lenka Žárská
Researching Communication in English: Paradigms, Strategies, Developments - II
Total number of publications: 98
Becoming #Instafamous : The analysis of (in)formality in self-presentation on Instagram
Internet Pragmatics, year: 2022, volume: 5, edition: 1, DOI
“I am bloody amazing and so are you!” : The (im)politeness of self-praise in the Instagram posts of fashion and lifestyle influencers
Self-Praise Across Cultures and Contexts, year: 2022, number of pages: 24 s.
Attitude and Graduation as resources of masculinity construction in YouTube vlogs (in press)
Brno Studies in English, year: 2021, volume: 47, edition: 1, DOI
The International Encyclopedia of Linguistic Anthropology, edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2021, number of pages: 5 s.
Degrees of referential importance : Intuitive, lexicogrammatical, and text frequency approaches
Year: 2021, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Performing Political Persuasion in the United States in the Early Years of the Republic
Alicante Journal of English Studies / Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, year: 2021, volume: 35, edition: 2, DOI
‘he ain’t never gonna be shit’ : Cancel culture and the role of hashtags #IsCanceled and #IsOverParty
Year: 2020, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
11th Brno International Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies : "Breaking the Boundaries : In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions", 12–14 February, 2020, Brno, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Year: 2020, type: Conference
A Contrastive Approach to Idioms for Expressing Emotions in English and Czech from the Cognitive and Cultural Linguistic Perspective
Year: 2020, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
A corpus-based study of metadiscoursal boosters in applied linguistics dissertations written in Thailand and in the United States
Variation in Time and Space : Observing the World through Corpora, year: 2020, number of pages: 30 s.