Project information
Storytelling - dovednost učitele ZŠ

Project Identification
Project Period
1/2009 - 12/2009
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Education
Storytelling, skill, learning, subject, teacher, foreign language teaching, integrating subjects using stories, drama, storyteller, literary text.

The project is dealing with the problem how to introduce students as well as expert public with the field of storytelling, which has been systematically developed in many countries and is closely connected with drama education. In the Czech Republic is is a new field that is beginning to develop and is slowly acknowledged mainly by teachers of English and drama in Education. Storytelling is a field, methods of which can be used at school within the subjects od Czech language, literature, drama in education, foreign language teaching, however, it can also be used in the training of social workers, e.g. when working with serious seniors and can be used as a performance art. We have decided to implement the subject of storytelling into the school education plan as due to the experience of our teachers of drama in education we can say that implementing the principals of storytelling motivates to work with literature, to reading, enriches vocabulary, text comrehension, increases capability of prediction, analysis and synthesis, imagination, helps people in solving problem situations, etc. The tuition is planned into 2 semesters with 2 lessons a week. In spring semester students will learn the theory of storytelling, to use the methods and techniques, will read needed texts and will prepare text to be read in public under the coaching of a tutor. In sutumn semester students will go into schools and other institutions where they will apply their gathered knowledge. We would like to enable our students to encounter experts in storytelling from abroad.

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