Project information
Perspectives of European Integration in the Context of Global Politics V
- Project Identification
- MUNI/A/1196/2022
- Project Period
- 1/2023 - 12/2023
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Masaryk University
- Specific research - support for student projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
Projekt „Perspektivy evropské integrace v kontextu globální politiky V“ integruje hlavní výzkumná témata výzkumu evropské a mezinárodní politiky a odpovídá tak dlouhodobým výzkumným orientacím a prioritám katedry mezinárodních vztahů a evropských studií. Projekt se opírá o tři základní osy výzkumu – analýzu aktuálních trendů evropské integrace; energetickou politiku a bezpečnost; mezinárodně-bezpečností problematiku.
Total number of publications: 17
Communicating Assistance to Ukrainian Refugees : Does Empathetic Communication Make a Difference?
Nationalities Papers, year: 2025, DOI
Connected Yet Suffering : The Lived Experiences of Czech Households through Energy Service Provider Bankruptcies
Living with Energy Poverty, year: 2024, number of pages: 11 s.
From multilateralism to bilateralism : Making sense of the UK’s security cooperation with EU member states after 2016
British Journal of Politics and International Relations, year: 2024, volume: 26, edition: 4, DOI
Prime ministerial political leadership and the domestic politics of Brexit : Theresa May and Boris Johnson compared
British Politics, year: 2024, volume: 19, edition: 2, DOI
Slovakia’s 2023 Elections : Framing of Foreign Policy Preferences by Populists
Politologický časopis, year: 2024, volume: 31, edition: 2
A Missed Window of Opportunity : Migration Crisis and the EU Borders after 2015
Romanian Journal of European Affairs, year: 2023, volume: 23, edition: 2
Community of Fate? Visegrád Cooperation Viewed from Bratislava and Prague
Europe-Asia Studies, year: 2023, volume: 75, edition: 6, DOI
Challenging the insider outsider approach to advocacy : how collaboration networks and belief similarities shape strategy choices
Policy & Politics, year: 2023, volume: 51, edition: 1, DOI
Na vlnách změny : Česká energetika a geopolitický zlom
Year: 2023, edition: 1. vyd., number of pages: 158 s.
Official narratives vs. lived experiences : Contrasting views on energy poverty in the Czech Republic
Energy Research & Social Science, year: 2023, volume: 97, edition: March, DOI