Publication details

„Byla mi dána milost poznat krásu díla, jež nazýváme uměním.“ K 90. narozeninám profesora Miloše Stehlíka

Title in English "The mercy was given to me, to recognize the beauty of work which is called art." To the 90th birthday of Prof. Miloš Stehlík


Year of publication 2013
Type Popularization text
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description A little almanac contains: two poems and an essay The Truth of Artwork by M. Stehlík, introduction by A. Filip and his interview with Prof. M. Stehlík, his selected bibliography and a list of his merit awards. Editors: A. Filip and J. Toušek. An almanac was published as a supplement of the journal of art lowers - Zpravodaj Klubu přátel výtvarného umění Brno.

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