Publication details

Profesní soud o kvalitě výuky: předem a následně strukturovaná reflexe

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Title in English Professional Judgments on Quality of Teaching: Prospectively and retrospectively structured reflection


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogika
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords quality of instruction; professional propositions; prospectively structured reflection; retrospectively structured reflection
Description The central concept of the study is professional proposition. The concept is defined with the aim of analysing the process of lege artis cyclical knowledge-sharing in a professional community. The authors focus on professional propositions in the context of the teaching profession and emphasise its prototypical character. Building on Kant’s distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions, professional proposition is introduced as one of the elementary tools in communication about instruction and thus in building understanding about instruction. After that, two key interpretation contexts are specified for the formulation and/or use of professional propositions (on instruction): 1. prospectively structured reflection, and 2. retrospectively structured reflection. Two research tools that serve to grasp (didactic) quality in instruction are used to demonstrate these two approaches to reflection. They are then discussed with the aim of clarifying the development of professional proposition about (the quality of) instruction as a process that leads to logical argumentation building on reflective competence and professional vision. This approach is derived from the theoretical context of the 3A methodology, which is based on the principle of developing professional communities of teachers through what is known as cyclic knowledge-sharing. The overall aim is to increase the quality of teacher performance and also the quality of instruction using the analysis of professional propositions.
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