Publication details

Zpátky k plotně? Ženský komunistický tisk a kritika úsporných opatření ve veřejné správě 1932 - 1933

Title in English Back to the Stove? Female Communist Press and Criticism of Austerity Measures in Public Administration (1932-1933)


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Forum historiae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field History
Keywords Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Austerity measures, Great Depression, women's movement, First Czechoslovak Republic, press
Description The study focuses on the Great Depression era, when the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (KSČ) attempted to attract new groups of voters. The study follows the Rozsevačka magazine, a party press journal for women sympathizing with the communist ideals, which paid considerable attention to the issue of austerity measures for women in the Czechoslovak civil service. From 1933 the magazine was radicalized and the previous attention to the interests of the public service employees was eclipsed by the government proposals to restrict communist activities, as well as the by the intensified course against fascism, capitalism and the "capitalist" (i.e. government) parties, particularly the Social Democratic Party.
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