Publication details

Renesanční šlechta a její raně novověká sídla

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Title in English Nobility of Remaissance a treir chataux of Early New Age

KNOZ Tomáš

Year of publication 2017
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Features of Renaissance architecture began to emerge in the Czech lands around the year 1500. In most cases, these were integrated into the visually dominating Gothic whole as, for instance, in the window jambs at the Prague Castle and the portal at the Tovačov Chateau. In Central Europe the Italians, who had crossed the Alps, coming most frequently form the regions of the Ticino area in the present-day southern Switzerland, entered a completely different social and artistic milieu, which required various degrees of adaptation to local traditions. Thus in mid-sixteenth century the “Renaissance chateau” was being born and a number of protagonists and solutions were involved in its delivery.
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