Publication details

Vizuálie v geografickém vzdělávání: přehledová studie

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Title in English Visuals in geography education: A review

JANKO Tomáš KNECHT Petr KUČEROVÁ Silvie Rita BLÁHA Jan Daniel

Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Scientia in Educatione
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Keywords geography education; didactics of geography; visuals; visualisation
Description The study seeks to explain how evidence-based knowledge about learning from visual material can be utilized by way of improving the visuals used in geography education.The aim of this narrative review is to find out: a) the theoretical foundations of learning from visuals, b) how to operationalize geographical visuals in a way that would facilitateresearch on school instruction and inform the production of textbooks and atlases, c) to identify (based on the state of the art)some domain specific recommendations contributing to more understandable and pupil-friendly static visualization of geographical phenomena. The method is based on the review of literature related to the domains of cognitive psychology, educational science, and geography education. In the concluding part, it is suggested how the findings of our study may contribute to the improvement of visuals in geography education.
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