Publication details

Demografické výzvy v kontextu udržitelnosti destinace: Asiaté v Praze

Title in English Demographic challenges in the context of the destination sustainability: Asian visitors in Prague

NOVOTNÁ Markéta KUNC Josef

Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description As a result of demographic development, there are changes affecting different aspects of the economy. Tourism from a multidisciplinary view point is also influenced by these trends. Variables such as population aging, change in values and lifestyles shape tourism demand and affect the travel to destinations. It may put pressure on the destination sustainability. From this point of view, China and South Korea are becoming significant, dynamically developing source markets. This demand segment also shows a highly growing trend in the Czech destinations. The paper focuses on their characteristics and consumer behaviour, incl. the spatial diversification in the centre of Prague based on the field research.
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