Publication details

Kvalita života předčasně narozených dětí v kontextu psychodiagnostických výzev

Title in English Quality of life of preterm infants


Year of publication 2019
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the Czech Republic, 8,500 low birth weight children (up to 2,500g) are born annually. These children are potentially at risk of developing risk (about 8% of all children born). In addition to the health risks resulting from low birth weight, premature birth also presents other significant complications associated with their subsequent psychomotor and psychosocial development, which in many cases is very risky and whose impacts are not only individual, but also social-wide. The results of foreign and domestic research studies in premature, low birth weight and at risk children show long-term development of a number of significant developmental problems in psychological development, such as autism spectrum disorders, cognitive development disorders, learning disabilities, speech disorders , behavioral and emotional disorders, etc. In this context, early identification of children with deviations in development and subsequent continuous monitoring of their early development - which was the main topic of the paper - plays a crucial role.
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