Publication details

U stolu s císařovnou. Chutě a kuchyně v době Marie Terezie.

Title in English At the Empress´s table. Taste and cuisine in the time of Maria Theresa


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Pro pána profesora Libora Jána k životnímu jubileu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Maria Theresa; Enlightment; food chemistry; court cuisine; Moravia; 1748 visit; royal court
Description This article examines a list of the foodstuff requested by the Viennese court for Maria Theresa and her entourage during her visit to Moravia in 1748. It is used to reconstruct the diet of the Viennese court in comparison with the changes to the diets in the courts of West European sovereigns. This article also provides selected recipes from the cuisine of the time.

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