Publication details

Rechtshistorische Forschung in der Tschechischen Republik (2004 – 2019)

Title in English Research in the Field of History of Law in the Czech Republic (2004–2019)


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Web Web časopisu
Keywords legal history; history of law; roman law
Description This paper presents the four institutions conducting research in the field of legal history at their respective law faculties (Prague, Brno, Olomouc, Pilsen) and briefly summarizes the work of Czech legal historians during the last 15 years. It pays attention to both Czech legal history and legal history in general. The paper is structured as follows: history of legal science, editions of legal sources, bibliographies, textbooks and educational materials, history of public law, history of the judiciary, history of private law, history of criminal law and history of legal professions. The most notable publications (mainly monographs) published in the Czech Republic in each of the fields are mentioned. The paper primarily draws from the work of legal historians but also takes into account the research of other historians, therefore attention is paid to their publications as well in certain cases. The work of Czech experts on Roman law is not included in the scope of the paper.

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