Publication details

Česká beethoveniana Rudolfa Pečmana

Title in English Rudolf Pečman’s Czech Beethoveniana


Year of publication 2015
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Musicologica Brunensia
Keywords stage work; Czech musical classicism; Slavonic origins; inner drama; Fidelio; appassionata style; theory of affects; philosophical and aesthetic sources; singspiel; expressivity; musical tragedy; operatic typology; opera of deliverance
Description Beethoven’s personality and work is the foremost element in the musicological heritage created by Rudolf Pečman that is manifested especially by his monograph Ludwig van Beethoven’s Stage Work (1999). In the 1950s Pečman examined the slavonic subjects in Beethoven, mainly the relations between Russian folk songs and String quartets op. 59 – Rasumovsky. The world of Czech musical classicism is represented by Georg Anton Benda in particular. Pečman finds the elements common to both composers in their philosophical and aesthetic sources, e.g. the appassionata style. This view is applied to the dramatic relationship of two singspiels, The Village Market and Fidelio. Pečman also creates the similar analysis of two stage works, Fidelio and Smetana’s Dalibor. He formulates common features and differences of these dramas, e.g. the inner spiritual connection and operatic typology.

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