Publication details

Antiferromagnetic magnons and local anisotropy: Dynamical mean-field study

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NIYAZI Abuduaini GEFFROY Dominique Alain KUNEŠ Jan

Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Physical Review B
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Hubbard model; Spin dynamics; Antiferromagnets; Green's function methods; Magnetic order
Description We present a dynamical mean-field study of antiferromagnetic magnons in a one-, two-, and three-orbital Hubbard model of square and bcc cubic lattice at intermediate coupling strength. We investigate the effect of anisotropy introduced by an external magnetic field or single-ion anisotropy. For the latter we tune continuously between the easy-axis and easy-plane models. We also analyze a model with spin-orbit coupling in cubic site-symmetry setting. The ordered states as well as the magnetic excitations are sensitive to even a small breaking of SU(2) symmetry of the model and follow the expectations of spin-wave theory as well as general symmetry considerations.
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