Publication details

Czech translations and receptions of contemporary Australian fiction



Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Postcolonial Writing
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Keywords Australian fiction; Christos Tsiolkas; translation studies; Czech translation; global book market; postcolonial translation
Description This article introduces the publication history and reception of Australian fiction in the Czech Republic, with a case study of translations of Christos Tsiolkas’s two novels, The Slap and Barracuda. The first part studies Czech book publishing and the translation context of Australian literature, showing that considerations of authors’ nationality (based upon their place of birth or residence) dominates the Czech market and discourse in determining which titles count as Australian fiction; it concludes that Australian literature is broadly represented in Czech translation, and the numbers of texts continue to grow with the presence of 20th-century classics (Patrick White), aboriginal autobiography (Sally Morgan), and contemporary novels (Tsiolkas). The article presents the challenges of translating contemporary Australian fiction in the context of postcolonial translation and the globalized English-language book market, highlighting the author’s personal experience as a translator of Tsiolkas’s novels.
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